You know Pixie Geldof. You know she is the daughter of the famous Irish singer Bob Geldof. Maybe you have seen her on covers of magazines or surrounded by her friends at fashion parties. And you surely have seen her name associated with the term “It-Girl”. But from the family’s tragic story or the glossy pages, you can tell that there is so much more to Pixie. There is just something about the 26 year-old. She exudes something authentic. A bit of a mystery too. “It’s at the age of 8 that she put down on paper her first lyrics. “But it must have been something terrible” she says laughingly. In 2012, she released a single with her band Violet. The premises of something bigger. As she just released her first album “
I’m Yours”, and as Semaine is showcasing her
first music video, we got to spend a moment with the discreet artist. So who are you Pixie Geldof?”
Semaine: Did you always know you wanted to be a singer?
Pixie: “I’m not very ‘center-stagey’. I’m not very good at being the person on stage. So I thought that might be problematic for someone who wanted to be a singer. But all I know is I’ve always wanted to be a songwriter.”
Semaine: So how is it now on stage?
Pixie: “I don’t mind it. When you are a couple of songs in and everything is going well. It’s an incredible sensation. But, you see, some people feed from it. For me it doesn’t work exactly like that. It’s more of an odd experience. It’s definitely exciting but as I was saying I’m much more into the songwriting process.”
Semaine: Your dad is a musician. How did that influence you?
Pixie: “We grew up around music. My dad has a huge love for music and everything that goes into it. He loves being on stage. He loves performing. We watched him having the best time in the world and he seemed to have the best job in the world. That of course will influence you and make you want to go and check it out. My dad listens to very good music and we have very similar music taste. There was a lot of great music playing around the house all the time. He also did encourage me to write songs when he realised I was writing. It was so helpful but I think, probably either way, I would have done it.”
Semaine: When did you start writing and composing music?
Pixie: “I started relatively early but it’s only after I taught myself how to play the guitar, when I was 13 or 14, that I really started composing. I had an instrument to properly start writing with. Before it was just words on paper and then they became songs. I still play. I play relatively well but not as well as other people so I leave it up to them. I play enough to write.”
Semaine: How long did it take you to write this album?
Pixie: “A LONG time. With the first album it’s almost like you are telling your whole life. The oldest song on the album is 6 years, there were ones that I wrote when I was 18 years old. It’s crazy how that happens, how some of them stay with you.”
Semaine: Can you tell us about the writing process?
Pixie: “It can come from everything and anything. I like to listen to stories from people, listen to them talk about what is going on in their life. I find my friends very inspiring, just the way they are. Of course, I am very inspired by love – the never ending source of inspiration right? I like to write in a studio. I don’t know if that’s weird. Some people like to do it from home or in their own space but I like to go in and leave it there. I get more done if I do it like that. With Violet [her first band] it was only a single and that was scary to release because no one had heard it and I was nervous about it. The process is very different for a full length album. Trying to get it out there is tough. I wrote it all over the place. Quite a few were written in LA and a lot of them in London.”
Semaine: You write a lot about love. Is it weird to dive into such personal topics?
Pixie: “It feels really natural, very normal, which is very good. Sometimes when I write certain lines, certain things, I think ‘I can’t believe I never get to say these things out loud other than in a song.’ And it’s such a shame. It comes very naturally to me in songs in this somehow dream-like way, like talking about dream-like things.”
Semaine: Are you quite shy?
Pixie: “Yes, I am. I have a close and good group of friends and have had them for my whole life. Outside of that group I’m quite shy socially. That’s why the stage is quite a weird experience.”
Semaine: Is there one song on the album that you are very attached to?
Pixie: “All of them really. Each of them tells a different story, addresses different parts of me. It’s actually crazy how different they all are to me. But there are songs on the album I took more care with, songs that I intended to make perfect. Some others just kind of happened like: ‘Sweet Thing’, which was quite effortless.
Semaine: How did you choose the name of the album, “I’m Yours”?
Pixie: “It is my favourite song on the record but it was also appropriate, and it fit with what I wanted to say with the album. It seems to suggest the idea that it wasn’t mine anymore. That is was someone else’s. It is also a dedication to my friends and the people I love that have given me their stories, the people who helped me and have been there for me. It’s me saying: ‘I’m there’ and I love them with all my heart.”
Semaine: Are you scared of critics?
Pixie: “No, I’m really not. I find people’s opinions completely valid and I accept that people have them. As long as the people who don’t care for it, don’t care for it for the right reasons. I don’t want them to dismiss the music because they have decided that they are just not going to be into me. But if they genuinely don’t like the sound or the songs, then that’s fine. Judge it for the music not for anything else.”
Semaine: What is the nicest thing someone could tell you about your music?
Pixie: “That they are listening to it when they are feeling a certain emotion. The idea that someone in the world is sitting there and that my song is the song that they are going to turn to. It’s an overwhelming idea. Because for me, those artists and those songs I turn to when I’m feeling a certain way, they follow me throughout my life. Being part of someone’s life in that way is a big thing for me.”
Semaine: What kind of art inspires you?
Pixie: “I’m very inspired by films. I watch millions of films and sometimes I put the sound on silent and I like to imagine that I am writing for it.”
Semaine: Would you like to do that? Write music for films?
Pixie: “I would love to do it so much.”
Semaine: For what kind of movies?
Pixie: “I would love to write for a movie like:
True Romance. I imagine writing for films not being that different because it always comes from yourself. But I don’t know as I’ve never had to do it.” [She laughs]
Semaine: When did it become obvious that you wanted to devote yourself to music? Was it a logical path to take?
Pixie: “It happened quite rapidly. I studied fine arts and dropped out after three months. I wanted to write and I didn’t see the use in it. It sounds bad but I think I was done with school at that point. I wanted to see whether I could do this type of thing outside of education and outside of this very comfy environment. Was I good enough? In order to do this I had to go outside of what I had known.
I went to a recording studio where my friend worked and I recorded a demo, I must have been 18, and ever since then it’s been what I’ve done. There were other things but music was my every day. It has taken its time.”
Semaine: How was your time modelling?
Pixie: “It was such fun. I was 16 years old and someone tells you: ‘Hey do you want to work with this really cool photographer? take some really cool photos?’ – I mean of course I want to do it. Cheers! I met so many amazing people. My best friends and lots of people I hold very dear to me. I got to travel. I would never take away that time. On the other side, everyone I ever met during that time knew I wanted to become a musician. It was just not public knowledge. I didn’t talk much about it. For some people it seems like my music is coming out of nowhere but it has always been there and been what I’ve done.”
Semaine: Has the fashion world taught you anything?
Pixie: “I was very young and I learnt that you have to stand your ground. But that’s like any job. You have to learn how to stand up for yourself and be yourself. Be genuine. It was good for me I think, to go outside of my comfort zone and meet people. I became much more comfortable in my skin I think, weirdly.”
Semaine: Is there an era that inspires you?
Pixie: “I love the 70’s. It’s been the era that I always find myself gravitating towards, in music, in fashion, and in film. It looks fucking cool. I would have loved to be a teenager in the 70’s. See all of those bands in LA. I guess I’m quite a nostalgic person. This music video of ‘
Woman Go Wild’ is inspired by the 70’s but it’s supposed to be era-less, not to be reminiscent of any time. The director did an amazing job at creating its own little planet. It’s the first one I’ve shot. I know the director incredibly well and I trusted him. He is such a talented director. There were no edits, he sent it to me and I said yes! That’s so rare.”
Semaine: Have you ever been to an American prom?
Pixie: “No. I’m devastated [She laughs]. I had a party when I left school and it was fun but the American thing is different isn’t it?”
Semaine: What kind of teenager were you?
Pixie: “I don’t really look back on that. For the teachers I think I was a pain in the ass. I was naughty. I was quite odd, I dressed kind of funny. I had close friends and just hung out with them.”
Semaine: You seem like quite a quirky person. My editor told me you had a passion for sharks for example?
Pixie: “It is one of my life long passions. I have never really been into what people are generally into. I like to watch documentaries about the sea. I went to a free-diving course by myself on the weekend. I do things like that.”
Semaine: What was it?
Pixie: “You do the first part in the pool and the second part in a lake. It’s a depth diving course. So you learn how to hold your breath for an extended period of time. I can hold mine for 2:46 seconds. It’s so fun.”
That does indeed sound like a lot of fun. Pixie is like the girl next door. Not the American Type. The London type. She is as feminine as she is boyish, as tender as she is rock and roll, as discreet as she seems fun and open. The kind of friend you would want to call and tell your stories to. Her album sounds the same way. Pixie is just Pixie. Her own person, expressing herself in the most natural way to her: singing her songs. This album, a mix of country and dream-pop, holds a lot of different keys to who she is. And, to be honest, we love what we are seeing.
By Marie Winckler for Semaine.
I’ve always lived in South London. London is definitely my home but I love the idea of losing the way and living somewhere else for a while. Try out different kinds of ways. I have known this city life for my whole life, I would love to see what else there is on offer.I don’t go out in London a lot really. I tend to stick to a few restaurants and my friend’s houses. I don’t like going ‘out’ out.
Paperdress Vintage
352a Mare St, Kingsland,
London E8 1HR,
United Kingdom
Vintage clothes, bar, and music. Sounds like a very good combination. This vintage clothes shop is a great place to find some gems when trying to be fashionable yet sustainable, and there is no need to worry if a piece does not fit you perfectly because they have an on-site tailor! Stay on for the evening, as the shop transforms into a venue for live music. They serve cocktails, local craft beers and Hackney Brewery on tap.
Columbia Road Flower Market
Columbia Road, Bethnal Green,
London E2 7RG,
United Kingdom
Columbia Road is transformed into a beautiful flower market every Sunday, with foliage and flowers- you can get anything from a bunch of flowers for your table to 10-foot banana trees. The beautiful scent that the flowers bring makes it worth a visit even if you are not looking to buy. It is the perfect way to spend your Sunday morning- grab a warm cup of tea and enter into an oasis of flowers.
Prince Charles Cinema
7 Leicester Place, West End,
London WC2H 7BY,
United Kingdom
Prince Charles Cinema is one of the last independent cinemas in London, and it is the perfect place to go if you aren’t just looking for the new Hollywood releases. Originally a theatre back in 1962, this cinema now shows a variation of art-house, cult, classic, and a few newly released films. It is certainly the place to go if you don’t want your typical cinema experience.
Green Park
London, SW1A 2BJ,
United Kingdom
Stroll through Green Park on a crisp winter day, or gather a picnic and have a sunbathe during the warmer months. This beautiful park is in the south of the city and is one of the Royal Parks. It is perfect for a bit of quiet when you are looking to escape the noise and busyness of London. There is an old rumour that back in the seventeenth century King Charles II’s wife demanded all the flowers were removed from the park after she caught him picking flowers for another woman- Scandal! There still are no formal flower beds; however, wildflowers grow, and there is still a sea of yellow every year when the daffodils bloom.
Evin Restaurant
115 Kingsland High St, Dalston,
London E8 2PB,
United Kingdom
Evin Restaurant serves a range of Mediterranean and British cuisine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! Also, if you are worried, there are lots of veggie options. This is definitely a place that attracts the locals and where you will fall into conversations with strangers for hours.
Village Underground
54 Holywell Ln, Hackney,
London EC2A 3PQ,
United Kingdom
Discover young and emerging talent when visiting Village Underground. Founded in 2006, the warehouse was designed to become an affordable studio space for young creatives who were struggling to make their mark in London. Whether you are after live music or fancy attending an exhibition, Village Underground will not let you down. The venue itself is worth checking out, especially the four recycled Jubilee line trains and shipping containers that have been transformed into “creative platforms” for up to 30 artists. From playwrights to producers- this is the place to go if you want to get creative.
The Royal Oak
73 Columbia Road,
London E2 7RG,
United Kingdom
The Royal Oak Pub has the atmosphere of an old British pub and delicious traditional dishes. It is the perfect place to settle down for a long Sunday lunch after strolling through the flower market in the morning. Also, if you are after a beer on tap, this is the place to go!
Get to know Pixie like you never have before.
What are your favourite qualities in a human being?
Very good sense of humour and loyalty.
Weirdest habit?
Endlessly weird habits. No specifics because there are too many.
What would your last meal on earth be?
Truffle mac and cheese and fish tacos from Ricky’s fish tacos in LA.
When and where were you happiest?
When I swam with a whale shark in the Maldives.
What was your high school prom like?
It was on my last day of school and a proper leaving thing. I wore a white dress but wore trainers which didn’t go down well…
A song to wake up to?
Shuggie Otis – Sweet Thang. Greatest wake up song of all time.
A song to go to bed?
Timber Timbre – Hot dreams
A song when you are happy?
Any song would sound amazing when you’re happy!
A song when you are sad?
Kris Kristofferson – Nobody Wins
A song that you are ashamed to love?
So many I can’t even tell you. [She goes through her Itunes] I kind of love all the Avril Lavigne stuff. Oh no I’ve got one: Bewitched. Blame it on the Weather Man. But you know what, I fucking love that song and I don’t care.
A song which lyrics you wish you had written?
Chris Isaak – Wicked Games. That song is so perfect. The instrumentation on it is stunning. When the slides come in… and the wash. It’s the most happy, sad, romantic, beautiful song. It’s the most simple and lovely sentiment.
A song that you can’t take out of your head?
Carly Simon – You’re so Vain. It really sticks but I’d rather have that than a lot of others.
A song to sum up your teenage years?
All of Mazzy Star and I still do.
The only song you would listen to for the rest of your life?
It’s the hardest question in the world. Mazzy Star – Fade Into You. Because even if it’s quite an obvious choice it’s so un-manipulative in its sound. You could listen to it when you are very sad and when you are very happy. Either way the song completely changes: From this beautiful melancholic love song into a roaring, driving away, convertible top down, free idea. It’s both and it would be really nice to take me through life.